Flexpirations: #3 Educational Litanies for Worship by Mary A. Love
This resource is a creative assemblage of writings developed for use in worship by Christian Educators and others who labor to nurture persons in the faith. We learn through many ways and this resource provides different ways of presenting the familiar message with the aim of activating the brain to think outside of the box. The introduction of FLEX (Focus on Learning for Effective Educational Ministry for Christ) offered this invitation: “Readers, I welcome you into the Flexercise room of the gym located on the corner for Faith and Church Street. You are invited to put on your running shoes, pick up your weights, stretch your muscles, tone your abs, and get in shape so that you may bear good, Holy fruit. Engage your various learning intelligences, open you eyes, move your body, activate your brain to enable growth in understanding and commitment to educational ministry.” (Page 11) this resource builds on that and give resources to stretch the mind, nurture and promote worship. Come join us again in the Flexercise room and be led in worship! 65 pages
Booklet published in 2016
Booklet published in 2016